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The documentation of
Version 2.41
Dirk Hagedorn
In der Esmecke 9
D-59846 Sundern
1 Introduction
2 Configuration
2.1 Refresh
2.2 Redraw
2.3 Offset
2.4 Small font
2.5 Use window
2.6 CapsLock-LED
2.8 Top windows
2.9 Screensaver
2.10 Alarm
2.11 VSCR-support
3 Clicks onto the LEDs
3.1 Hint for users of TakeOff
4 Placeholders
5 ASCII-table
6 Systemrequirements
A Legal information
A.1 Copyright
A.2 Fairware
A.3 Disclaimer
A.4 Trademarks
B Future
C The current version
D Thanks
E History
E.1 Version 2.41
E.2 Version 2.40
1 Introduction
First of all: please excuse my bad english! I did my very best. ;-)
MenuInfo is a small utility to show userdefined information in the
unused upper right corner of the screen.
MenuInfo offers the following features:
∙ it runs in application- and accessory mode
∙ output via AES-objects, so there will be no problems using diffe-
rent systemfonts
∙ XSSI-support, so MenuInfo doesn't outputs anything while a
screensaver is active (e.g. Before Dawn)
∙ VSCR-support
∙ VA_START-support
∙ ST-Guide-support
∙ an X-Windows-like autotopper for windows
∙ a little screensaver
∙ optional output of information in a window
∙ MenuInfo's information might be copied to the clipboard
∙ MenuInfo shows the status of CapsLock and OFSL using small LEDs
∙ online-configuration
∙ saveable and loadable configuration
∙ MenuInfo uses only about 45,000 bytes
2 Configuration
After clicking the left mousebutton while pointing onto the LEDs and
pressing no special keys (Shift, Control, Alternate) or after selec-
ting MenuInfo's menuentry in the deskmenu a formular will be opened.
You can see some editfields and lots of buttons.
Enter placeholder-combinations into the editfields. If a button next
to an editfield is selected this information will be displayed. The
other buttons will be discussed later.
2.1 Refresh
This value means how long MenuInfo waits until it updates its informa-
tion. Values lower than 50 msec aren't allowed. Values between 200
and 500 msec are fine.
The lower this value is the more time is used by MenuInfo!
2.2 Redraw
This value means after how much periods of refreshing the information
MenuInfo should redraw them.
What sense does it make? If a program has more than one menubar, Menu-
Info's information will be overwritten if these menubars change. But
MenuInfo has no possibility to notice that and if then the informa-
tion wouldn't change you wouldn't see the information anymore.
The lower this value is the more time is used by MenuInfo!
2.3 Offset
This value means the number of chars that the information will be
shifted to the left. So you will be able to use MenuInfo together
with some other tools like ShowTime, LED-Panel... which are also
using the upper right corner.
2.4 Small font
Just select it and watch the difference...
2.5 Use window
If this button is selected MenuInfo displays the information in a
small window.
"Redraw", "Offset", "VSCR-support" and "Small font" have no meaning
for this window.
When MenuInfo receives a AC_CLOSE-message or you close the window
MenuInfo will display the information in the upper right corner
2.6 CapsLock-LED
If this button is selected MenuInfo displays a small LED in the upper
left corner of the screen. If this LED is green, CapsLock is active.
Otherwise it is inactive.
If this button is selected MenuInfo displays a small LED in the upper
left corner of the screen. If this LED is red, you have opened files
on your (hard)disc.
To use the OFLS-LED you have to install the freeware-program
CHK_OFLS.PRG from the Kobold-distribution.
2.8 Top windows
If this button is selected, MenuInfo tops the window under the mouse-
arrow automatically, but only if...
∙ the mousearrow is inside the workingarea of a window
∙ the mousearrow has the same position for 50 msec
∙ no special key (Shift, Control, Alternate) is pressed
∙ the current window won't be complety hidden by the new window
2.9 Screensaver
If this button is selected MenuInfo's screensaver is active. It's not
really a screensaver that checks the keyboard or the serial inter-
face(s). If you are looking for something like that, just buy Before
Dawn, Twilight or something else.
No, you have to tell MenuInfo that it should save the screen. This is
done by moving the mousearrow into the lower right corner of the
Furthermore you can enter a value that represents the period of time,
after which MenuInfo automatically starts to save the screen if you
don't move the mouse. Entering a "0" means, that MenuInfo should't
start savin the screen automatically.
Then MenuInfo will draw a black screen and will invert the menubar.
MenuInfo will update its information while saving the screen!
After moving the mouse MenuInfo redraws the screen via
2.10 Alarm
Select the button and enter an alarmtime. When this time arrives Menu-
Info will show you a message inside an alertbox.
2.11 VSCR-support
If you run a virtual resolution you have to scroll to the upper right
corner to see the information displayed by MenuInfo. But if you se-
lect this button and a menubar is displayed in the current part of
the virtual screen, MenuInfo will also show its infornation in this
upper right corner.
3 Clicks onto the LEDs
Click onto the LEDs and press a special key to get the follwing
∙ left mousebutton
open the configuration formular
∙ Alternate + left mousebutton
redraw the screen
∙ Shift + left mousebutton
open the fileselector
∙ Control + left mousebutton
copy MenuInfo's information to the clipboard
∙ Shift + Control + left mousebutton
send MenuInfo information via appl_tplay()
∙ right mousebutton
open the ASCII-table
∙ Shift + right mousebutton
open an extended fontselector (Calvino, FontSel)
∙ Control + right mousebutton
quit MenuInfo
3.1 Hint for users of TakeOff
MenuInfo places its LEDs in the upper left corner that is usually
used by TakeOff. So you have simply no chance to open the popup of
TakeOff here. But TakeOff offers a second chance to open its popup:
just click into the upper right corner!
4 Placeholders
Use these placeholders inside the editfields of the configuration
Some hints:
∙ italic ones aren't implemented yet
∙ absolute processes:
number of all running processes
∙ relative processes:
the difference between the number of processes that are nopw
running and the number of processes that where already running
when MenuInfo startet
%a: short weekday (Mon, Tue, ...)
%A: long weekday (Monday, Tuesday, ...)
%b: short month (Jan, Feb, ...)
%B: long month (January, February ...)
%c: date and time (17.08.1995 11:40:30)
%d: day of month (1-31)
%D: day of month (01-31)
%f: short fuzzy-time (10 past 12)
%F: long fuzzy-time (ten past twelve)
%H: hour (00-23)
%I: hour (00-12)
%j: day of year (1-366)
%l: the LF-char (a bell in the systemfont)
%L: the alarmtime
%m: month (01-12)
%M: minute (00-59)
%o: month (1-12)
%p: AM/PM
%r: time as %I:%M:%S %p (11:42:54 AM)
%R: time %I:%M (11:43)
%S: second (00-59)
%t: the TAB-char (a small clock in the systemfont)
%T: time as %H:%M:%S (11:44:10)
%U: time as %H:%M (11:44)
%w: weekday (0-6)
%W: /week of year (0-52)/
%x: local date (17.08.95)
%X: local time (11:44:56)
%y: short year (0-99)
%Y: long year (1995)
%%: the %-char
$c: coordinates of the complete window under the mousearrow
$C: coordinates of the complete top window
$h: handle of the window under the mousearrow
$H: handle of the top window
$l: /CPU-load/
$m: coordinates des mousearrows
$o: number of opened files
$n: owner of the window under the mousearrow
$N: owner of the top window
$r: sum of the biggest memoryblocks (bytes)
$R: sum of the biggest memoryblocks (KB)
$s: biggest memoryblock of ST-RAM (bytes)
$S: biggest memoryblock of ST-RAM (KB)
$t: biggest memoryblock of TT-RAM (bytes)
$T: biggest memoryblock of TT-RAM (KB)
$w: coordinates of working-area of the window under the mousearrow
$W: coordinates of working-area of the top window
$$: the $-char
&a: AES-Version (3.99)
&c: /number of free cookies/
&C: cookie-jar-size
&d: TOS-version (2.00)
&D: TOS-date (10.08.1993)
&g: GEMDOS-version (0.19)
&k: scancode of the latest pressed key (0x6200)
&m: Mag!X-version (2.00)
&M: Mag!X-date (26.08.1993)
&n: NVDI-version (3.01)
&N: NVDI-datum (25.11.1994)
&o: CHK_OFLS-version (1.03)
&r: sum of the number of free memoryblocks
&s: number of free memoryblocks of ST-RAM
&t: number of free memoryblocks of TT-RAM
&w: /WINX-version/
&&: the &-char
#a: absolute applications
#A: relative applications
#c: absolute accessories
#C: relative accessories
#p: absolute processes
#P: relative processes
#y: absolute system-processes
#Y: relative system-Processes
##: the #-char
5 ASCII-table
Click with the right mousebutton onto the LEDs without pressing a
special key to get the ASCII-table.
After clicking a char this char will be send to the active applica-
tion via appl_tplay().
6 Systemrequirements
MenuInfo is a GEM-application and should run with every hardware- or
∙ MultiTOS kills MenuInfo when using memory protection. I really
don't know why. :-(
∙ To see the configuration-formular you have to run a resolution
with 640 pixels or more.
A Legal information
A.1 Copyright
MenuInfo and its documentation are copyrighted by Dirk Hagedorn
Software, Germany.
MenuInfo may be given to third persons in a noncommercially way if
all of the following requirements are met:
∙ The program has to be copied with all and unchanged files.
∙ It's not allowed to add files (espacially advertisement for a
BBS or a PD series). Furthermore it's not allowed to rename the
∙ You have to copy MenuInfo free of charge! The upload to a BBS is
only allowed if its run in a noncommercially way.
A.2 Fairware
MenuInfo ist Fairware!
If you like MenuInfo and often use, please send me an email, a post-
card from your hometown or a small amount of money.
My address:
Dirk Hagedorn
In der Esmecke 9
59846 Sundern
A.3 Disclaimer
Do everything on your own risk!
Trotz sorgfältiger Entwicklung und umfangreichen Tests kann keine
Gewährleistung für die Richtigkeit des Inhalts dieser Dokumentation
und die einwandfreie Funktion des Programms übernommen werden.
Dirk Hagedorn Software kann keine Haftung für irgendwelche direkten
oder indirekten Schäden - einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt auf
materielle oder finanzielle - übernehmen, die durch die Benutzung von
MenuInfo oder dessen Untauglichkeit für einen bestimmten Zweck
A.4 Trademarks
Innerhalb dieser Dokumentation wird auf Warenzeichen Bezug genommen,
die nicht explizit als solche ausgewiesen sind. Aus dem Fehlen einer
Kennzeichnung kann nicht geschlossen werden, daß ein Name frei von
den Rechten Dritter ist.
B Future
MenuInfo will be updated to my own requirements. If I get some reso-
nance I'll publish further versions. If I don't hear anything of
anybody I will not publish further version. Why should I if I must
think that nobody uses MenuInfo?
C The current version
The current version of MenuInfo is always available in the "Öffentli-
cher Programmteil" of the Maus MK2 (+49 2371 944925). A few days or
weeks later the current version should also be available via FTP
The archiv is named always "MINF???.LZH", "???" is replaced by the
number of version.
D Thanks
Many thanks to ...
Dirk Haun for his wind_get-routine
Thomas Binder for his hints according to the topping of windows
under SingleTOS
A special thank to the following persons who where so kind to send me
some money for MenuInfo: Michael Wurm, Dieter Intas, Lothar Wagner,
Wolfgang Simon, Carsten Friehe, Dirk Paulsberg, Michael Harwerth,
Ulli Hahndorf, Thomas Ungricht, Dirk Kohle and to those who I've
forgotten to place in this list.
E History
E.1 Version 2.41
Changed: Small change in the routine that calls the xFSL.
E.2 Version 2.40
First English version!
Dieser Text wurde erzeugt mit
Release 4
Copyright (c) 1995 by
Dirk Hagedorn Software
In der Esmecke 9
D-59846 Sundern
MausNet: Dirk Hagedorn @ MK2
UDO ist ein Programm, welches Textdateien, die in der
eigenen UDO-Syntax erstellt wurden, in das ASCII-
ST-Guide-, LaTeX-, Rich Text-, Pure-C-Help-, 1stWord-,
HTML- und WinHelp-Format umwandeln kann.